Saturday, October 2, 2010

First time for everything... I thought I'd try it... Blogging!!

Good afternoon!! Where shall I start?? I've heard of and about blogs, I have recently read several types and different people's blogs and now I'm inspired to try and blog...

As a child I liked to write what I called stories in a notebook, I remember having several notebooks... I remember writing about discriptive scenery, everyday was warm and sunny, blue skies and green grass... having conversations between imaginary friends and how we fulfilled our days, everyday.

Many, many years have passed and the notebooks have been put down long ago and eventually were no more...

At this time in my life, I have decided to write some again... I'm very new at blogs and blogging, so those of you who choose to follow along with me, I look forward to new and inspiring friendships, renewed and restored old and loving friendships, lots of laughter and a few tears too along our jouney together!! GOD BLESS!!


  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere Libby! I know that there is a lot of work being done for Breat Cancer week and its good that you are out there - like a Pink Panther - doing your bit!
    Hve a look at the 'widgets' that can be added to your blog. A translator, Follow This Blog, Blogs that you follow, a hit counter, daily quotes etc etc. Those can make a blog more interesting.
    Keep writing and - be happy!

  2. Sylvia, thank you for your post... I would be honored and thrilled if you'd "follow" me... I do have an account with "Counter clicker" and have it all set up but I can not figure out how to post it on my blog... it tells me to "cut and paste" an extremely long link but I can not figure out how and where to add the extremely long link on the front of my blog page...

    Shall I "follow" my own blog too?? I'd love links and names of blogs I can look at and maybe even follow in the interest of Breast Cancer baking, cooking, recipes and quotes just to name a few...

    Enough of my babble... stay in touch and hope you and Miss Patty are doing well... love and miss you both!!
