Side Note: Today is Tuesday the 5th. It is the first week out of the full month of October 2010 and Breast Cancer Awareness month is in full swing... and I'm just plain tired. I started fundraising for our Susan G Komen local affiliate and our team the "Pink Lady and Associates" back in August 2010. Our Race is not until Saturday the 9th 2010 but I'll be fundraising for the whole month.
Now, getting back on track... there are severals reasons I have decided to start a blog. One reason is I like to remember things of importance to me that I have heard, read or have seen and I want to share them.
Another reason I have started to blog is because over the years I have gained strong Christian beliefs that are important to me and worth sharing too. Lastly, and unfortunately there are things in my life that I have to remember and what better way to help me to remember but to blog and share them? I'm interested in reading your comments and having dialogs too. Let's get started!!
Two of the things closest to my heart at the moment are my politcal Christian morals/values and my exercise regiment and food journals. Exercise and food journals first. The past two years I have been involved with a local weight loss program. After 13 weeks of a complete liquid diet, weighing in and closely being followed by a doctor, I slowly transitioned back into solid foods again, keeping a food journal, continued being weighed in and trying to eat healthy for the next 7-8 months... at that point in time I transitioned again out of the program and just stayed with a regimented exercise program. The regimented exercise program continues to be 3-4 days a week, which includes a 20-30 minutes bike or treadmill cardio warm up followed by another 30 minutes of free weights with a personal trainer and a once a week "CheckIn/Weigh In" evaluation.
Now, about a year later I have uped my weight by about 12-15 lbs after initially losing 40lbs two years ago. I like to exercise and I absolutely HATE recording food journals. There is just something in reality that I just can not stand about facing the fact in writing and actually acknowledging the foods that I have actually put into my mouth and swallowed. It's awful, plain awful.I keep up with the exercise so I must keep up with the food journals too. What I'm actually consuming and most of what I'm supposed to have is as follows:
I have oatmeal and banana every morning seven days a week for breakfast
2 cups coffee w/creamer
Some sort of protein Sandwich (Chicken, Turkey, Egg salad or Tuna Fish)
Or some sort of soup or green salad
Handful of pretzels
Some sort of protein, starch and vegetable
Water (I'm to be drinking at least 5-6 16oz a day)
Honestly, what I actually consume and record may not eactly follow what I'm actually supposed to be eating... thus the weight gain.
Now for the second closest thing to my heart at the monent... my politcal Christian morals/values.
I strongly believe that the world that we all live in and as we all know today, is fast approaching an end and I feel it very necessary to speak from my heart. I was raised with great morals and values and I have come to believe that the same morals and values I and most others like me were once raised with, are slowly slipping away. My eyes have just recently been opened to the passing of what used to be great morals and values and I have alot of different emotions I want to write about and discuss too. My Christian faith and personal relationship with Jesus Christ has everything to do with my morals and values.
An example: I was brought up memorizing Our Lord's Prayer...I have said the Lord's Payer all my life and just recently I had a revelation. Let's break it down...
Our Father - The World's Father
Who art in Heaven - His House
Hallowed Be thy Name - Holy is His Name
Thy Kindom Come - His Children
Thy Will be Done - Have His Way In Our Lives
On Earth - Human Dwelling Place
As it is In Heaven - His House
Give Us - His Children
Our Daily Bread - Enough for One Day Only
And Forgive Our Tresspasses - Forgive Human Sin
As We Forgive - Others
Those Who Tresspass Against Us - Who Have Done Harm To Us
Leed Us Not Into Tempation - Keep His Children Away From Doing Evil
But Deliver Us From Evil - Take His Children Out of Evil
For Thine Is The Kingdom - His Children
And The Power And The Glory - All His, Everything!!
Pretty cool huh??
How about the "Golden Rule". "Do unto others as you'd want them to do unto you." Let's break it down...
Do Unto Others - Do For/Give To Others - Make Others Happy...
As You'd Want Others - Give And Take
To Do Unto You - Make You Happy
The Golden Rule has been lost as a whole in today's day and age. What are some of the morals and values you remember growing up with?? Have you seen them change since you were a youngster?? Something to think about and ponder over.
Questions, comments??
Until next time... GOD BLESS!!
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