Thursday, October 21, 2010

Catching Up - The end to a sucessful and committed day

While my husband was out at our lake house today trying to get our new refridgerator fixed which never happened, (another time for another story) I have been on this blog all day trying to figure out how to add Wigets and Gadgets... I have sucessfully learned how to do both... if you were to ask me how I accomplished adding both Widgets and Gadgets it would take me as long to figure out what I did and then tell you.

In the last week, my husband and I traveled down to Florida for a mini vacation with family and friends. Florida in October is so beautiful... cool in the mornings and evenings and warm during the day, just beautiful.                 

Yesterday was my sister's birthday and today is my brother in law's birthday... Happy Birthday to the both of them...

In the last week or so I have committed to keeping a count on carb intake (I'm allowed seven carbs per day) as well as exercising four times a week. I missed exercise today due to figuring out how to add Widgets and Gadgets:(

In Florida we ate Basil pasta, Ceasar salad, Sausage casserole w/fruit and coffee, turkey, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, Shrimp and Grits, Brocolli "fun" salad, cereal w/milk and coffee, Raw/Baked Oysters, Gumbo, Steaks, Piella, garden salad, Sausage casserole and coffee, Chicken salad in tomatoes and red wine with dinner ever night (8oz total per night).

I have not only kept count of carbs I have decided to try and only eat a palmful of protein and carbs at dinner time and 2 or more palmfuls of raw or steamed vegetables and fresh fruit a day. I have verbally committed back to eating 45 calorie yogurt for snacks but have yet to accomplish that. Today at lunch I had chicken noodle soup and actually read the back of the can for serving size. I only had 1/2 can of soup... tonight for dinner I had a palmful of protein and 2 palmfuls of aspargras on a salad plate instead of a regular sized one...

My husband and I have verbally committed to watching a streamed Netflix movie several times a week. I personally absolutely love Netflix and love trying to watch one (whether it be CD or by stream on the TV) every other night or so. This week we have seen: The Fiddler on the Roof, The Accidential Tourist... I have not been told what tonight's movie is... so I better get off here and go find out...

Questions, comments??

Until Later, have a good one and GOD BLESS!!

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